Here is a breakdown of the various status and meanings...
Last/Current Dataset Status - There are 4 statuses under this section.
- Green dot - Complete, the current dataset has completed
- Red dot
- Xero API Daily Exceeded - means that the allowable 5,000 API calls to your organisation has been used
- No Dataset - backup has not yet run hence no dataset error pop-ups.
- Yellow
- Backup in progress - indicates that the organisation is currently ongoing a backup, real-time.
Xero Connection Status - indicates whether your organization has experienced a disconnection from Xero. It's important to note that disconnections are a routine part of the process, and there may be occasions where you'll need to re-establish the connection. This is because the security tokens provided by Xero have a limited lifespan and may expire if not refreshed in a timely manner.
- Green
- Connected
- Red
- Disconnected
Org Active Status - indicates if your organisation is active to take backups or archived
Backup In Progress Status
- Queued - indicates that your organisation is currently on queue to take backups tonight
- Backup status e.g. Current Backup is at Invoices 5,000 Record Backed up - indicates that the organisation is currently ongoing a backup and shows where the backup is and how many records has been backed up, real-time.
When all indicators are green, as seen in the provided screenshot, everything is in order, and there is no need for any action on your part.